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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Descriptive paragraph

A bloody battle has come to an end. The smell of blood fills the air. The battlefield comprises of the last soldier standing, attacking with what is left on him, a pathetic grenade. He throw it in revenge, putting his comrades hopes and faith in him in his last attempt to attack the enemy. Once in a while, he will hear the sound of explosion in the air, the pain he sustain in the war can never be felt again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prejudice(part 2)

This is the mind map me and my Language Arts group member did.
To summarize the above information:
1)Prejudice is a noun.
2)Prejudice is usually formed at first impression. Example:Lazy, Naughty, Cunning, and others.
3)Prejudice should not be encouraged because we are all part of the human race so everyone should be fairly treated because it causes unnecessary conflicts.
4)A person that is prejudiced gives the person he is prejudices against worse treatment than other people.
5)One of the first novel about prejudice which is also recommended by teacher to read is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
6) It is extremely unfair to people who have done nothing wrong but gets worse treatment to those who actually have done wrong but gets off scot-free.
7) Similar words to prejudice: Bias, unfairness, and discrimination(prejudice is a type of discrimination).
8)Causes: Different behaviors
                Outer appearance
                Knowledge and actions
                Past experiences
                Inability to accept difference
                Misunderstanding or rumours
                Pass down from elders
                Unwillingness to compromise
                Wrong judgement
                Influences from others

That's all for prejudice.Hope that this will help you to understand "prejudice" better. =D


What do I already know about prejudice?
Honestly speaking, I do not know anything about prejudice.

What do I want to know/learn about prejudice?
I want to know what is prejudice and what it means. I also want to know when prejudice is used.

What have I learnt from this activity on prejudice?
I learnt that prejudice is to judge someone without truly knowing their real looks. If we separate Prejudice we get pre and judge which mean before judge. A lot of people usually think negative about these people at the first impression and pass down thoughts about these people. And when there is stereotypes(also negative like prejudice) about these people, they would not be given a fair chance in the world like normal people do and they can also be harmed physically or emotionally which also means in another word "discrimination". In conclusion, prejudice is a impression about  people without actually knowing the real them.

I will soon post Prejudice 2 to define "prejudice".Thanks for viewing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Descriptive Paragraph on a picture

It was a windy evening. The "attack" from the sea was never stopping. The seaside was sooth and nice that my feet was buried in it. As the wave come the wind was stronger and the wave was bigger. There were a few happy families down the beach. One family was playing with a beach ball in the sea while some children were collecting seashells at the seashore.It was still early morning and there was a the fog covered my eyes. There was some dark figures at the far side of the beach. Even though the fog was not lifting, this does not stop the families from gaining happiness.